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Babies and Beyond Physical Therapy

Your Baby's Movement Helpline!

Physical Therapy for birth through 5 years old

Parenthood is tough! Making it to consistent appointments shouldn't be an added stressor. We travel to bring the most valuable treatment that your child deserves. Our personalized visit includes a 1:1 session with you and your child in the comfort of your home. Treating children in their early years works best if they are in their natural environment. Jagruti is passionate about empowering and educating parents with all the knowledge and tools needed to help baby with their development using purposeful play activities in the natural environment. 


Torticollis + Head Shape + Milestones + Infant Massage + Tummy Time + Pediatric Physical Therapy + Oral Ties Bodywork


Forsyth County I Alpharetta I Johns Creek I Suwanee I Roswell 

About Me

Jagruti Hambir


Hello! My name is Jagruti Hambir, and I am a mother of two beautiful children and a wife to my husband for 10 years. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Physical Therapy from India in 2007 and Master’s in Health Sciences from University of Indianapolis in 2012. I am also a certified Infant Massage Instructor. 


I have been in the world of pediatrics since 2007. I have extensive experience in pediatric home health, pre-school, pediatric outpatient, and early intervention. Outside of pediatrics, I have also treated challenging patients in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, cardiac care and ICU, and orthopedic outpatient. Throughout my career, I have also mentored new grads and trained new hires to help them begin this beautiful journey of becoming a Pediatric Physical Therapist. 


I am an expert in treating developmental delays, preemies, torticollis, toe-walkers, down syndrome, primitive reflex integration, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, neurological disorders, and many more. I specialize in torticollis and believe in a gentler, holistic approach to treating these little ones. 

My thirst for knowledge is never-ending. Being a neuro nerd, I constantly update my skill set by taking top-notch continuing education courses to help me better serve the pediatric community. My passion lies in understanding how the human brain works and how our body reacts to the information from our brain. It is amazing to learn how our bodies move and proceed through different stages of development. I believe that with my knowledge and experience your little ones will benefit and embark on a journey to become their own superheroes. Outside of work, I love spending time with my family, enjoying new cuisines, and travelling.  

Tethered Oral Tissues Trained

Jagruti has received extensive training to expand her knowledge of how oral ties affect function throughout life. She enjoys collaborating with other professionals for a team approach to treat the WHOLE BODY in little ones with tethered oral tissues. 

Did you know early physical therapy treatment can avoid the need for a helmet?


Strategic positioning along with tummy time can help reshape the head in most cases. 

Parent Testimonials

O & J

Jagruti’s treatment plan helped improve range of head/neck motion, as well as improve tummy time, sitting up, standing up, cruising, climbing, crawling, and walking


I & N

My son quickly got used to her and even fell in love with her. Usually, he would start crying around strangers but with her, he was happy and smiling!



She gave him a level of confidence in himself that he wouldn't have otherwise. I could see the excitement in his eyes each week as she helped him work on the next milestone


Insta Sneak Peak

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