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At Babies and Beyond Physical Therapy, we offer a range of specialized services designed to support your baby's development and well-being. Through our services, we aim to support your baby's growth and development, celebrating every milestone achieved along the way.

Evaluation- In person/Virtual

These are face-to-face 60–90-minute sessions where we discuss your concerns and learn more about your little one’s needs and struggles. We do a comprehensive developmental assessment of your child. We then empower you right away with a customized home exercise program to meet your individual child’s needs and yours as a family. We set realistic goals that will help your child achieve their maximum functional potential. We try to educate you on your child’s diagnosis and how we can help with our treatment techniques. You will be provided with a detailed written report following the evaluation session.

Treatment Sessions- In person/ Virtual

Our treatment sessions range between 45-60 minutes, depending on the age of the child. During our treatment sessions, we will come up with fun, natural play-based activities that will nurture your child towards their gross motor development. At the end of each session, you will be provided with a Home Exercise Program (HEP) customized specifically for your child’s needs. Treatment session notes, progress reports, and discharge summaries are available upon written request.

Virtual Consults

  • Milestones Check: 30 minute virtual consults over Zoom to discuss your baby's milestones - current and upcoming. We'll discuss red flags and tips to work on boosting milestones using purposeful play activities. Problem solving through any skills that you are stuck with. 

  • Tummy Time Consult: 30 minute Zoom consults to troubleshoot your baby's tummy time issues. Tummy time should not involve tears. We will discuss purposeful and fun filled activities to make tummy time a breeze for you & baby. 

  • Head Shape ConsultA 30 minute virtual head shape consults over Zoom  with Jagruti where she will discuss concerns about your baby's head shape and the next steps towards seeking treatment. We will discuss considerations for helmet therapy and provide for any referrals with other providers. We will discuss positioning strategies for flat head prevention.

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)

CFT is a genlte touch modality founded by Dr. Barry Gillespie which combines principles of Cranisosacral therapy and Myofascial Release Therapy to address the strain in the fascial system. Fascia is the biological fabric of connective tissue that envelopes each and every cell of the body, every muscle, organ, bones and nerve tissue. Any strain that causes restictions in the fascial web can affect the optimal functioning of the body and nervous system. CFT aims at unwinding and releasing strains in the craniosacral fascial system. 

DMI Therapy Intensives

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) therapy is a comprehensive intervention used by physical and occupational therapists to treat children with gross motor impairments  by improving automatic postural responses and promoting progress towards developmental milestones. DMI has demonstrated immediate improvements in function when paired with intensive model of therapy. 

Mommy +Me classes

Infant Massage Classes:

4-week class series for parents to learn how to massage their baby and help develop a strong bond with baby. Therapeutic massage techniques for gas/colic included. Can be a group class for 4-5 families or a 1:1 class. 


Development and milestone coaching series: 

  • Infants 0-3 months

  • 3-6 months

  • 6-9 months

  • 10-12 months

Jagruti is an expert in treating Torticollis and positional Plagiocephaly/ flat head syndrome using a holistic gentler approach. She has been able to prevent helmets for most of her patients with a more robust positioning and home exercise plan that is easy to follow by parents and comfortable for the baby. She recommends a helmet only when other treatment options fail.

What We Treat

  • Torticollis

  • Plagiocephaly/ flat head 

  • Bodywork for oral ties- tongue,lip,cheek ties

  • Neuromuscular disorders

  • Prematurity

  • Chromosomal Abnormalities/ Genetic disorders/Trisomy

  • Hypotonia (low muscle tone) and Hypertonia( Increased/ high muscle tone)

  • Developmental Coordination Disorders

  • High-risk infants and toddlers with complex medical histories

  • Gross motor developmental delays

  • Delayed Milestones

Embrace the Connection: Nurturing Mom and Baby Wellness with Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)"


From the moment of conception to the exhilarating first cries of birth and beyond, the connection between a mother and her baby is profound and transformative. It's more than just a physical bond – it's a deep, instinctual, and unbreakable tie that shapes both the mother and the baby's well-being.


During pregnancy, this connection begins to form as the baby grows and develops within the womb, intertwined with the mother's emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Through the miracle of childbirth, this bond is strengthened as the mother and baby share their first moments of skin-to-skin contact, igniting a cascade of love and oxytocin that sets the stage for a lifetime of nurturing and care.


Beyond birth, this connection continues to flourish through the intimate moments of breastfeeding, the gentle caresses of cuddles, and the shared laughter and tears of parenthood. Research shows that this bond is vital for both the mother and baby's emotional, physical, and psychological well-being, providing a sense of security, attachment, and love that lays the foundation for healthy development and resilience.


At Babies and Beyond Physical Therapy, we understand the importance of nurturing this bond and supporting the dyad's well-being from the very beginning. Through our holistic approach and the offering of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) for moms, we empower mothers and babies to thrive, honoring the sacred connection that enriches both their lives in countless ways.

Now Offering CFT sessions for Moms 

Not sure if you should "Wait and See" or seek professional help? Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation call!

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